Tugas BLOG

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In this blog I will tell about my experiences throughout FEP(Fresh Enrichment Program), about what I get from GO(General Orientation), AO(Academic Orientation), Organizational skills, and HTTP(HIMTI Togetherness and Top Performance).

What is FEP(Fresh Enrichment Program)?

Basically Fresh Enrichment Program is where new freshmen(students) began to tap into knowing about University life. Starting from meeting new friends, getting to know about their faculty, knowing the rules of their university, knowing what will they be studying in their faculties, and travelling around university to know and see the new environment and surroundings. I am a Binusian 2020 and I am going to be studying about Game Application and Technology a part of School of Computer Science, a programming faculty that focuses most on designing and developing games.

My first thought about Binus on the first day of FEP is already a high expectation that this university is really nice and its worth it, and it is. Other universities FEP is hard and they got lot of work to do on their first day of FEP, but in Binus, we are more relaxed and friendly which makes everything better.

Now I am going to tell about what we freshmen are doing at GO(General Orientation)

What is GO(General Orientation)?

General Orientation is part of the FEP(Fresh Enrichment Program), where Binusian freshmen are being introduced into their own faculties and faculty partners in their own classrooms and also in auditorium.

*First day of General Orientation.

Briefing. What is briefing and what do we do?

Briefing is a meeting where we were instructed and being given some informations.

In briefing session, our names were being matched into our own faculties and then each of us separated into our own faculty groups in one classroom with lecturers of each faculty. We get to know our friends in the classroom, our own faculty friends and lecturer, and the lecturer told us about what we are going to study in the upcoming semesters more like and also some awesome stories about some of the alumnae of Binusian who is a really successful person today to get us inspired in university life to succeed in life just like our predecessors probably even more.

Next I am going to talk about Binusian Journey. It is still in context with General Orientation, Binusian Journey is one of many General Orientation seminar sessions just like what I just talk about, on what is and what do we do at Briefing session.

*Binusian Journey

What is Binusian Journey? What do we do?

First of all, Binusian Journey is a session where freshmen were explained and told about Global skills, entrepreneur skills, soft skills, and hard skills. To be a successful person in life, a person needs to have these skills so they can be employed in jobs, or even trusted into holding great positions in working career. Only being smart is not enough to succeed in life, if you are smart but you have no attitude, no flexibility, no skills, its futile.

Employers on their industries are searching for employees that are committed, hard worker, flexible, has good attitude, and have a well time management.

If you are smart and you made something genius that you feel that what you made is going to be famous in the world but you don’t know and you don’t have entrepreneur skills, it’s a waste of time.

Soft skills is where you enhance mostly your personal self like your attitude, character, hard work, responsible, and to be on time. Soft skills are really important in your working career, because it shows your personality in working life, people judge you by your character and attitude.

Hard skills is where you enhance your major capability, like what is your strength at.

For example: Your strength is in computer, therefore you should enhance your capability in programming to be accepted in industries to work as a programmer, or maybe even creating your own program like making a programmed robot.

If you already got all these skills into your optimal capability or your maximal capability, Entrepreneur skills, soft skills, and hard skills. Surely you will be a successful person in life.

That is what I get from Binusian Journey, how to be successful in your career.


Next I am going to talk about Binus Maya

What is Binus Maya?

Binus maya is a website where binusian can check schedules, SAT(Student Activity Transcript)points, events, mails, and mostly about university informations.

So if we want to check homeworks, exams, we need to check Binus Maya. Lecturer may suddenly give us homeworks from Binus Maya, that’s why we need to check often if we missed then poof goes our scores. Binus Maya is the source of Binus University events we know everything, news from Binus Maya, there is even an E library at Binus Maya, we check everything from Binus Maya because all information that is untold about future events and schedules are all at Binus Maya.


Now I am going to talk about Bunga Rampai

In my opinion, Bunga Rampai is the best General Orientation session.

Bunga Rampai is where we are introduced into UKM(Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) or u can say

SAU(Student Activity Unit), and Organizations with them performing each SAU and Organizations, explained us what is in their SAU,  what we are going to learn there and the benefits.

Here we get to know what and how many SAU there is in Binus University starting from sports SAU, language SAU, self-defence SAU, and even arts.

These below are also all of the organizational skills.

First of all there are 22 HMJs(Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan)or you can say the set of majors/ Organizations, and 43 SAU that includes communities, media, art, sports, religion, and more.

Every faculty has their own set of majors organizations starting from;

*HIMTI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika) or you can also say computer science major division.

*HIMDKV (Himpunan Mahasiswa Design Komunikasi Visual) major division for Visual Communication and Design.

*HIMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi) major division for Accountant

*HIMARS (Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur) major division for Architect

*HIMKA  (Himpunan Mahasiswa Komputerisasi Akuntansi) major division for Computerized Accountant.

*HIMMARCOMM (Himpunan Mahasiswa Marketing Communication) major division for marketing communication.

*HIMMAT (Himpunan Mahasiswa Matematika) major division for Mathematics

*HIMME (Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen Ekonomi) major division for Economy Management.

*HIMPSIKO (Himpunan Mahasiswa Psikologi) major division for Psychology

*HIMSISFO (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi) major division for information systems.

*HIMSLAW (Himpunan Mahasiswa Business Law) major division for Business law.

*HIMSTAT (Himpunan Mahasiswa Statistik) major division for Statistic

*HIMTEK (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Komputer) major division for Computer Engineering.

*HIMTES (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil) major division for Civil Engineering.

*HIMTRI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri) major division for Industrial Engineering

*HOME (Himpunan Hotel Management) major division for Hotel management

*HIMHI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional) major divisions for Internasional Relations

*HIMANDA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Mandarin) major divisions for Mandarin Literature

*HIMJA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Jepang) major divisions for Japanese Literature

*HIMSI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris) major divisions for English Literature

Those are all of the organizations in Binus



Now the SAU(Student Activity Unit)


These below are all of the SAU in Binus

Language SAU:

*BNEC (Bina Nusantara English Club) activity unit that focuses on learning English.

*BNMC (Bina Nusantara Mandarin Club) activity unit that focuses on learning Mandarin

*BNNC (Bina Nusantara Nippon Club) activity unit that focuses on learning Japanese



Religion SAU

In Binus, each and every religion has their own community called “OK” (Organisasi Keagamaan) or Religion Organizations.

*Keluraga Mahasiswa Kristen Religion organization for Christians

*Keluarga Mahasiswa Muslim Religion organization for Muslims

*KMB (Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis) Religion organizations for Buddhists

*KMH (Keluarga Mahasiswa Hindu) Religion organizations for Hindustan

*KMK (Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik) Religion organisations for Catholics

*KBMK (Keluarga Besar Mahasiswa Khonghucu) Religion organisation for Confucians


Sports SAU(Student Activity Unit)

*BASIC (Bina Nusantara Swimming Club) activity unit of sports that gives you swimming lessons.

*BNSC (Bina Nusantara Softball Club) activity unit of sports that gives you baseball lessons

*BNTC (Bina Nusantara Tennis Club) activity unit of sports that gives you tennis lessons

*BNVC (Bina Nusantara Volleyball Club) activity unit of sports that gives you Volleyball lessons

*BNBC (Bina Nusantara Badminton Club) activity unit of sports that gives you badminton lessons.

*Soccer club



Arts SAU

*Stamanara (Seni Tari Mahasiswa Bina Nusantara) dancing activity unit.

*Paramabira (Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Bina Nusantara) Choir activity unit.

*BDM (Bersama Dalam Musik) Orchest activity unit

*ST-Manis (Seni Teater Mahasiswa Bina Nusantara) Theatre drama activity unit

*Klifonara (Klub seni Fotografi Bina Nusantara) Photography activity unit.


Self Defence/Martial Arts SAU



*Merpati Putih (Indonesian Martial Arts)



*Capoeira (Brazillian Martial Arts)



* BGDC (Binus Game Development Club) activity unit of Game Development

*BSLC (Bina Nusantara Student Learning community) activity that focuses on teaching you to become a teacher.

*BNAC (Bina Nusantara Automotive Club) activity unit that focuses on automotive/otomotive.

*SWANARAPALA (Mahasisa Bina Nusantara Pecinta Alam) activity unit that loves adventure.

*FOPASBIN (Forum Paskibra Bina Nusantara)

*AIESEC (Entrepreneur)

*CSC (Cyber Security Community)

And those are all of the UKM(Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) or SAU(Student Activity Unit0

We can choose some from all of those SAU according to our liking and whatever as long as it doesn’t crash with our own class schedules.


The next session onward is all about how to be successful in university to graduate and all the requirements to graduate and rules.

To graduate and to be able to do the final essay assignment we all need;

*120 SAT (Student Activity Transcript)

*146 University Credit Unit

*30 Hours of social work (ex: Teaching Primary)

* GPA/IPK < 2.00

Without these requirements completed we cannot graduate.



Academic Orientation(AO)

Now I am going to talk about Academic Orientation. What is AO (Academic Orientation)?

What do we do at AO sessions?

Academic Orientation(AO) is where the students learn the introduction into their faculties.

For me since my faculty is Game Application and Technology I was introduced into Algorithm or you can say the first baby step into programming. All of SOCS (School of Computer Science) was gathered in one auditorium for introduction into Algorithm and some seminar from our alumnae.

The first day of Academic Orientation we learn Algorithm and after the first session, we went to our own faculty classes called “Small class” auditorium was for large class that contains all SOCS.



One whole week of Academic Orientation is about learning C language, Algorithms, Curriculum, and the studies we will learn in the upcoming semesters.


HTTP(HIMTI Togetherness and Top Performance)

HTTP is an event from HIMTI(Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika) the major division for all of School Of Computer Science(SOCS). The event starts at 9 am until 6 pm.


In HTTP there are various performance starting from band performance, talk show, visualization, dance, and a special guest(DJ ANGELO). Not only performances but there’s also Game showcases where our seniors shows their projects.

IMG_5540[1]one of the game showcases.

In HTTP, they introduce what HIMTI is like and how was it to be a HIMTI participant, to work as a team and finding the right team.

That’s mostly what HTTP is all about.


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